If you choose to purchase the product, you can click to buy it now or join the shopping cart. You can also click on the shopping cart directly on the product page.
After the purchase of the goods is completed, you can click the shopping cart in the upper right corner to checkout.
After confirming that the purchase is correct, click on the checkout button.
You can choose to checkout through express checkout or general checkout.
Express checkout: Checkout will be based on your previous purchase method, including shipping address and payment method
General checkout: first purchase (new member), or change shipping address or checkout method
Please enter the checkout system first.Choose a payment method.
You can choose the receiving method according to your needs. The receiving method is: pick up the goods after payment (as shown in green) and cash on delivery (as shown in blue), press the confirm button after selecting.
If you choose to ship to your door, please fill in the complete information.
If you choose to pick up the convenience store, please select the convenience store information and related member information (convenience store is currently only available in Taiwan)
若選擇先付款後取貨則需選擇付款方式,目前提供的支付方式計有外幣轉帳(限收美金、歐元或人民幣)、銀行轉帳(新台幣)、物流代收(新台幣)、支付寶(人民幣)、微信支付WeChat Pay(人民幣)、台灣店到店超商取貨付款(新台幣)與各國信用卡(American Express, MasterCard, Visa ) ,我們會在收到款項後才進行出貨作業。選擇銀行轉帳會在您結帳完成後提供匯款帳號至您的E-mail信箱,若匯款完成後請來信、來電或備註的方式提供匯款資訊,以便我們快速查帳出貨。
If you choose to make a payment first, you will need to choose a payment method. At present, ATM transfer and Alipay payment methods are available. We will send the shipment after receiving the payment. Selecting an ATM transfer will provide a remittance account for your email address after the closing of the checkout. If the remittance is complete, please provide the remittance information by letter, phone or note so that we can check the remittance quickly.
After the above information is completed, please click the checkout button.
After the checkout is completed, the order information will be displayed. Please confirm the address, shipping method and product information again. If you have any questions or order errors, please contact the service personnel.